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Posted by: priell3
05-18-2024, 08:25 AM
Forum: General Knife Discussions
- Replies (1)

The Zippo/Case Museum and shop in Bradford, PA.  Good history there and plenty to see.

[Image: IMG-20240518-082028.jpg]

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-18-2024, 07:32 AM
Forum: Folding Knives
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I read tons of great reviews about this Firebird F7601 so I just had to get one to see for myself!  I gotta say, it does not disappoint!  For a sub $30 knife, it is tight, centered and flips open and closed like a champ!

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-18-2024, 07:27 AM
Forum: Folding Knives
- Replies (1)

This little guy is stunning in black and silver!  Civivi Mini Praxis...

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-18-2024, 07:25 AM
Forum: Folding Knives
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Demko AD20.5 big pivot with black G10 scales!

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-17-2024, 06:44 PM
Forum: NKD - New Knife Day
- Replies (2)

NKD x 3!!  All black and silver.  All razor sharp!  But the pricing range is wide!  Demko AD20.5, Civivi Mini Praxis and a Firebird 7601 just for fun!  I gotta say, I am stunned at how good the Firebird actually feels!  It’s a Good Friday!

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-17-2024, 07:00 AM
Forum: NKD - New Knife Day
- Replies (5)

Yes indeed!  I actually have 3 new knives scheduled to arrive in the mail today...A Civivi, a Demko and a cheap ass truck knife from Amazon that I just have to review!  Nothing like the thrill of anticipation!  Stay tuned!

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-16-2024, 08:04 AM
Forum: General Knife Discussions
- Replies (2)

There are a lot of high end knives costing hundreds of bucks, but what about good knives at a decent cost?  They do exist!  I just ordered a Civivi Mini Praxis for $29.99!  It comes highly rated and I am looking forward to testing it out!  You can get a full size Praxis for under $50!  Here is a video review from Youtube (not mine)

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Posted by: Hiblade
05-15-2024, 03:39 PM
Forum: On the Bench
- Replies (2)

I have just joined the world of knife grinding.  Having gotten the bug I finally bought a new 2x72 grinder and am in the process of getting the rest of the paraphernalia needed to start making some knives.  I will post some pics shortly when I get my garage space cleaned out!

For now here's what I have purchased :

1. Grinder 2x72 Pheer brand in shipment
2. Dykem blue
3. Drill press by Wen
4. Vise by some unnamed Chinese company, still in shipment
5.  Digital calipers
6. Bolube lubricant for the drill press bits
7.  Clamps, various types
8.  A 2x42 buffer
9. Carbide tip scribe
10. About 150$ worth of various steel bars
11. 3m respirator
12. Book on knife grinding that I have read twice now

  I would appreciate any advice on things I am missing.  I am planning on some safety goggles, and a dust collector but haven't yet dropped the hammer on those yet, waiting for the setup to get completed.
Thank you all for your ideas!

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-15-2024, 07:18 AM
Forum: General Knife Discussions
- Replies (1)

What do you guys think about budget blades?  I'm talking about inexpensive knives...not counterfeits!  The thing is, a lot of budget knives may tend to copy other popular knives but I think there is a definite line that shouldn't be crossed.  A counterfeit is a knife that is basically cloned down to every detail in order to deceive a buyer, right down to the logo!  No one should knowingly support these illegal bastards! 

Now on the other hand, budget knives may look like your favorite brand name knives but they are the ones with their own names and logos...not trying to deceive anyone into thinking they are a brand name knife!  Some are actually even better than the name brand!  One name that I want to check out further is Ganzo knives from China.  They may look like some popular knives but they have mostly been updated with crossbar locks (which I absolutely love) and may have the same or better lock ups!  Ganzo's can be had for around $20-$30 on Amazon! 

So what do you guys think about clones (not counterfeits) and do you feel OK about buying and using them?  After seeing some of the top tier knives available out there...I don't see how much worse a clone could be as long as they use quality materials and have high quality control!  But, I don't is a total opinion question!

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Posted by: Ironbutt
05-14-2024, 10:02 AM
Forum: Folding Knives
- Replies (1)

I bought this Uncle Henry 885 stockman (The bottom one) at a truck stop in North Carolina in 1970. I was driving a truck & running Florida at the time. I paid a whopping $17 for it, and I remember thinking, I hope my wife doesn't find out how much I paid for it. That was alot of money for us at that time. It was my first quality pocket knife, and I carried it everywhere, every single day, for 30 years before I retired it. I had a fixed blade that I got in the Marines, and later picked up a Buck 110 for camping & hunting, but the UH was with me all the time, and I never felt like I needed anything else. 

Now I have, I don't even know how many knives, and sometimes can't decide what I want to carry, but the Uncle Henry would still handle any of my daily cutting needs. 
[Image: Image.jpg]

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