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Posted by: Ironbutt
05-04-2024, 08:22 AM
Forum: Fixed Blade Knives
- Replies (1)

Here's one I picked up in 1967 or 68. A Cammilus Pilot's Survival Knife. I wasn't a pilot, but I got it from a supply guy, who had no use for it except for opening mail. It's seen a lot of use over the years, but it's retired now.
[Image: Image-1.jpg]

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-04-2024, 07:00 AM
Forum: Forum Support and Feedback
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Alerts is not fully working is usable but still needs to be styled to look better!

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-03-2024, 05:17 PM
Forum: Forum Support and Feedback
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Ahhh, that new forum smell!  While we put this new forum through the paces, be sure to report any bugs or weird things that you might encounter!  Remember, I am a hobbyist, not a professional web designer, LOL!


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Posted by: Ironbutt
05-03-2024, 04:43 PM
Forum: EDC
- Replies (40)

The devil opened up his case & said, "I'll start this show." And fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his bow.

A sample of my usual every day carry. A Buck 112 & a stockman by Great Eastern Cutlery up in Titusville.
[Image: Image-1.jpg]

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-03-2024, 04:11 PM
Forum: Forum News
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We have a Facebook group if anyone wants to stay up to date on Social Media!  The link is in the top right side of the forum header!  Or you can get to it from here:

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Posted by: Blackcat Outdoors
05-03-2024, 02:50 PM
Forum: Introductions
- Replies (14)

Just came over from another forum on recommendation. 😁

I'm a Spyderco fanboi from PA, but own lot's of different stuff.  Hope this forum takes off.

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Posted by: RocketFoot
05-03-2024, 02:00 PM
Forum: Introductions
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Welcome to!  BladeTalk is a discussion forum focused on all types of knives and EDC.  Feel free to jump in and start talking about knives!  You can start with an introduction thread below!  Tell us a little about yourself and your favorite knives!  We are a new forum so we would love to have you help fill the site up with anything and everything about knives!

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